Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Dumb Pouf

I LOVE doing projects twice. Makes my year I tell 'ya.

I'm working on Lu's room (I have been for a while). In this post I show you the design board and fabrics for her room. I love the fabrics and so I thought: what better way to display them than on a pouf made from Amy Butler's Gumdrop pillow pattern? I really like this pattern but I made two small mistakes: one - I didn't double sew the seams and two - I didn't stuff it enough.  So, now I have to remedy those two problems... fun, fun.

I do love the fabrics.

It's slightly wonky from being played on.

There's the tear...

Here's the pattern.

So I have to gut it, re-sew it, stuff it again but with an extra bag or two of stuffing, and then close it up by hand, again... It'll be worth it though. It's the thing that ties her room together.

Tomorrow I thought I'd post the Lucie's room list. Everything I have to do to finish it. It's the room we're closest to finishing. It will be awesome to have one room done and have before and after pics to show you!


  1. I think you are a courageous and visionary soul to attempt one of Amy's poufs. (Which I love!). You also must be a beast at sewing. (Which I'm not). You also have much more something or other than I do, that you're re-doing the darn pouf.

    Please post a before and after when it's all said and done!

  2. Oh my dear Heidi, I'm afraid that you are very much mistaken. I am not a good seamstress at all, if you look closely, you'll see that the seams are uneven, sometimes puckered and the top is not even at all. No, no, the thing that I have going for me is that I don't overly care about the fact that it's a little off, so I do it anyway.

    There will be afters, rest assured ;-)

  3. i think saggy poufs are very fun to play with. Lucie probably does not care that it is a bit wonky and low on stuffing. the fabrics are beautiful!

  4. amy's gumdrop pillows are gorgeous. your colour/fabric choices are lovely! i am impressed! lucky lucie! xxx

  5. What a great pouf! I love the fabrics and the way you mixed them. Well done! And you get things DONE, which I have a problem with. You inspire me :-)

  6. BWA HAA HAA HAA HAAAAAA.... "get things done" hee hee ha ha haaa.... Oh my, yeaaaaaah, it's been sitting in my room since June.

  7. Hi again Heather! I gave you the Liebster Blog Award today, in this post:


Welcome! I'd love to hear from you so please comment, it would make my day!

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