Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pantry and Freezer Inventory Printables

"Will you use your design super powers to make me a freezer inventory list? With space for the item, the date I purchased it, and date it needs to be used by? But pretty? And then post it on your blog, maybe? Because you haven't done it in a while and your public is demanding? :)"

This is my sister T's request. 

Did you know that you can make special requests for printables? Neither did I. But is was such a good idea that I decided to do this special request and make them.... 

Did you know that I had a demanding public? Neither did I. But since my public appears to be demanding... silently... telepathically? I will gladly oblige. 

Did you know that I have design super powers? Well now you do. Bwaa haa haa haa, couldn't resist. 

Yeaaaaaaah....anyway. Pantry and freezer inventory lists for T and anyone else who would like them. 

I went with "pretty" as opposed to "cute" the freezer is in icy colors because freezers are cold. (Work with me here)

The pantry inventory is in veggie colors because you... don't really store veggies in your pantry but bean, rice and pasta colors are boooooooriiiiing.

They kind of remind me of Eric Carle.

Here they are all printed out. You can grab them here and under the "Freebies" title on the right!

Enjoy these all you uber-organazized peeps!

See you tomorrow,


  1. Love them! Thanks!! :) You do have design super powers. :)

  2. heather, really cool! you're using your time to make beautiful, useful things. joy!

  3. IF I was super-organazied, like your sister seems to be, I would gladely use your lists (If I had a working printer that is...) For now, I am content after reading your funny post. I giggled :-)


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